Inlägg märkta ‘Sino Agro Food’

SIAF: Tri-way i kinesisk TV, videor finns

tisdag, 25 juli, 2017

Idag kom en nyhet om SIAFs delägda bolag Tri-way, angående att Tri-way varit med i en TV-kanal med 100 miljoner potentiella tittare i Kina. Du kan se videorna från SIAF:s hemsida med statusuppdateringen för juli för megafarmen.

Länkar finn även här: Video ett kort nyhetsinslag. Video 2 långt underhållningsprogram edutainment under minut 3-6 kan man se Tony från megafarmen.

Intressanta kommentarer från SIAFs statusuppdatering, jag har fetmarkerat lite:

This video states that that using our APRAS technology and system — which does not employ any chemical, hormones, or antibiotics — results in safe and healthy seafood products that are of export quality, and sold at higher premium prices.

These pictures depict the fresh chilled seafood market at Zone B Huadi Business Street, Liwan District, Guangzhou City . Our next seafood shop will be co-located. It will have over 500 square meters of shop space and sell AF4 products.

Norsk artikel om SIAF + ny video

lördag, 22 juli, 2017

Norsk artikel om SIAF.

Video om SIAF.

Ny analys kallar SIAF “Dold juvel”

torsdag, 20 juli, 2017

Ny analys av SIAF publicerad, läs den här.


SIAF is an interesting company hidden on the OTC Markets. The company is extremely undervalued by the market, thus it should be considered a hidden gem. We could not find other relevant reasons to explain the illogical valuation, other than the fact that SIAF has its assets in China. On top of it, the company is exploring alternatives and selling divisions to boost shareholder value. The market has commenced to push up the share price, but there’s a lot more run room for the stock. The upward trend will continue if SIAF keeps implementing the same strategy. Hence, be alert on this name.

SIAF: Tri-way blir partner med Agricultural Bank of China

tisdag, 18 juli, 2017

Jiangman Yili Fisheries (JFD) (Tri-ways helägda dotterbolag, SIAF äger ca 36% av Tri-way) får $15 miljoner kreditlina (100 miljoner RMB) från Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), läs pressreleasen här. Dessutom ingår partnerskap och möjlighet att utöka kreditlinan senare om allt går bra.

En annan sak är att ACB får möjlighet att löpande granska JFDs finanser vilket ökar SIAFs  och Tri-ways trovärdighet ytterligare. Dessutom kommer ACB att hjälpa JFD att kunna låna mer från andra banker i deras kontaktnät.

På det hela taget ett viktigt steg för JFD och SIAF mot att få bättre tillgång till kapital.

Som en sidonotering kan jag nämna att SIAF troligen håller på att bygga ganska mycket ODRAS vid megafarmen vilket man troligen kan se på den här satellitbilden. Det svarta är det man lägger i innan man fyller dem med vatten tror jag, står lite om “black plastic linings” i det nya STORA informationsdokumentet om akvafarm 3.


Agricultural Bank of China Co. Ltd. Signs Bank-Enterprise Comprehensive Agreement with Jiangman Yili Fisheries
Revolving Credit Facility and Premier Banking Privileges Highlight Strategic Partnership

Jul 17, 2017

GUANGZHOU, China– Sino Agro Food, Inc., a specialized investment company focused on protein food including seafood and cattle, wishes to announce a key agreement toward the financing and spinoff of its former subsidiary, Tri-way Industries, in which Sino Agro Food, Inc. holds a 36.6% ownership interest.

Agricultural Bank of China (“ABC”) and Jiangman Yili Fisheries Co. Ltd. China (“JFD”), a fully owned subsidiary of Tri-way Industries Ltd. (“TW”) have signed a Bank-Enterprise Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement (“BECSCA”) this past week in Guangzhou. JFD is one of the select companies afforded this level of partnership with ABC in the Guangdong region.

ABC is providing a revolving credit facility to TW/JFD, which is eligible to be drawn incrementally up to its maximum line of RMB 100 million, with the maximum line intermittently increased as experience and corollaries between ABC and TW/JFD materialize. The monetary amount designated for each draw and its use will be determined in consultation between both parties. A rolling audit of TW/JFD by ABC is one of the conditions that must be met satisfactorily to permit continued use and increase of the revolving credit facility.

In addition to the revolving credit facility, the other major provisions of the agreement include:

Personal banking VIP channel, which provides one-on-one consultation and expedited services to its clients;
Bond and debt advisory, including bond underwriting, debt financing, and/or direct (equity) investment in the Company;
Foreign lending and/or foreign investment facilitation, utilizing ABC’s international network of investors and lenders to obtain outside funding sources in addition to those provided by ABC.

According to the BECSCA, these and other provisions afforded TW/JFD culminate in what best can be described as a “win-win” joint venture.

Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd., the world’s third largest bank based on reported assets, is oriented to create partnerships with well-vetted corporations with an international focus.

TW plans to develop an aggressive export sales side to complement its already strong domestic sales operations. This is one of the primary reasons ABC has requested the Company to become an Enterprise Partner during the build-out phase of its development.

CEO and CFO Commentary

Mr. Solomon Lee, interim Chairman of TW as well as Chairman and CEO of Sino Agro Food, Inc., extended his sincere appreciation to the collective management of ABC for their high level of trust and confidence expressed in TW/JFD’s current operations, and its future impact, both locally and internationally.

Mr. Lee stated, “the ‘win-win’ partnership signed today with ABC, increases TW/JFD’s capacity to meet its development goals while enhancing its status as an economic driver throughout the region. Along with its recent 5A-1 rating by Dun and Bradstreet, the BECSCA arrangement provides further testament to JFD’s parent, TW, providing additional merit to the Company’s overall standing and expanded opportunities within the banking and business communities.”

SIAF CFO Dan Ritchey elaborated, “ABC is perhaps uniquely well-suited to help Tri-Way meet its aims, through not only financial commitment, but also direct strategic communication, and what it says to partners, customers, and other constituents about Tri-Way. As communicated previously, Tri-way is in discussions with financial institutions in other Asian countries.”

SIAFs delägda bolag Tri-way får kanonbra kreditrankning

måndag, 10 juli, 2017

Tri-way Industries som SIAF äger ca en tredjedel av har nu som en del i processen att listas på hongkongbörsen blivit tilldelad en kreditrankning, se pressrelease.

Glädjande nog fick dem det högsta betyget som var möjligt, 5A 1.

I kategorin Risk Predictor blev betyget nio av tio vilket är kanonbra, se förklaring här).

Tri-way is currently in negotiations with several financing institutions, one of which commissioned a credit and risk rating from D&B, a leading international business rating services company headquartered in the USA. Tri-way received a rating of 5A  1.

Glädjande nog kan vi förvänta oss fler nyheter dem kommande veckorna.

We look forward to reporting additional anticipated milestone achievements in the upcoming weeks.

Norsk artikel om SIAF

söndag, 9 juli, 2017

Norsk artikel om SIAF.

- Det er galskap. Jeg skal ikke kritisere noen, men det er sykt at aksjen er i fritt fall, og det er rart at det ikke er noen i ledelsen som svarer, sier Hansson til Finansavisen.

Kan inte annat hålla med om att det är väldigt illa att SIAFs ledning låtit kursnedgången bli så kraftig utan att agera.

Urusel utveckling i SIAF

tisdag, 27 juni, 2017

Normalt sett brukar jag inte kommentera SIAFs aktiekurs så mycket men den sista tiden har kursen fallit så mycket så det blir lite beklagan över det. Ja det är inte så mycket att säga, det är ingen som riktigt vet nån detaljerad anledning till att aktien faller så kraftigt verkar det som. SIAFs ledning borde inte ha låtit det här hända är min stilla tanke, på nåt sätt har dem gjort bort sig.

Angående SIAFs utdelning av Tri-way

söndag, 18 juni, 2017

Kollade igenom pressreleasen för senaste rapporten lite grann igen och kollade framförallt på avsnittet nedan. Dem satsar på att vara klara med utdelningen av Tri-way till aktieägarna i slutet av juli. Vis av erfarenhet vet jag att det brukar bli förseningar men med tanke på att slutet av juli ligger ganska nära i tiden blir det förhoppningsvis bara nån enstaka månad försenat. Kanske slutet av augusti eller i september. Men det kan ju också ske i juli, man vet ju inte.

Det som bör hända härnäst är att det bör komma upp ett dokument på som dokumenterar att Tri-ways aktier blivit tilldelade till alla deras aktieägare (SIAF och ett femtiotal av deras partners). Det bör ske snart, egentligen borde det redan skett enligt tidplanen. Jag ska kolla men i skrivandets stund är nere för underhåll.

Samtidigt jobbar SIAF med att förbereda SEC-dokumentationen för att dela ut Tri-way-aktierna till aktieägarna. Det är alltså inte nödvändigtvis så att utdelningen bli försenad bara för att ICRIS-dokumenten är lite försenade – det verkar som att SIAF parallellt arbetar med SEC-dokumentationen.

Att utdelningen sker i slutet av juli är alltså förtfarande en möjlighet, vi får se hur det går.

Sen skriver dem även att marknadesföringsmaterialet för pre-ipo:n ska vara klart i mitten av juli. Jag tror att vi SIAF-aktieägare kommer få ta del av det, i alla fall har Tony O. hintat om att vi kommer får ta del av de nya estimaten för megafarmen.

Det kan alltså bli en händelserik sommar för SIAF. Sen får man räkna med att det kan dra ut lite på tiden som sagt men om nåt av ovanstående händer i juli får man väl vara nöjd.

Vad gäller det där lånelöftet eller letter of credit på 36 miljoner dollar så verkar det mer eller mindre kopplat till att pre-ipo-finansieringen blir av och man kan bygga fler byggnader. Det är inte säkert visserligen men det är känslan jag får. Det bör hjälpa till att locka fler pre-ipo-investerare om inte annat. Det positiva är att då kan man plöja in alla pre-ipo-pengar i nybyggnationer och sen använda lånet för att bekosta driftskostnaderna i början.

Carve-out Exercises

The Company firmly believes that the sum of its parts is worth considerably more than the market’s value of the whole. Accordingly, it has undertaken efforts to carve out its major businesses, establishing each as a standalone corporate entity. These carve-out enterprises will seek to establish value within the same financial measures afforded peer group companies, establishing step-wise increasing valuations in part through private placement prior to applying to higher valued market exchanges for IPO.

Major milestones reached in the process will reflect progress, imputed value, and liquidity; completing the aquaculture carve-out was the first.

Upcoming steps are as follows:

    • Tri-Way has begun work with its appointed Hong Kong based Corporate Service Company (“HKCS”) to issue and allocate Tri-Way shares in bookkeeping form to respective owners including SIAF’s 36.6% interest and the remaining 63,4% among approximately 50 original investors/partners. As of April 27, 2017 HKSC records reflected 36.6M shares of Tri-Way having been allocated to the Company, the issuance of which is anticipated to completed at the end of May.


    • Upon completion, HKCS will file corresponding documents to the Hong Kong Company Register noting paid up capital estimated at USD 340M and total outstanding shares of 100M at a par value of HKD 1 each. This submission of corresponding documents will occur 10 days after share issuance.


    • Concurrently, SIAF is working with U.S. attorneys preparing required documentation for submission to the SEC in preparation for the distribution of a dividend in the form of Tri-Way shares, totaling 18.3% of Tri-Ways equity shares. Broadridge Solutions, the Company’s transfer agent in the U.S. will distribute the dividend in book entry form pending SEC and FINRA approvals, targeting completion by the end of July.


    • Tri-Way and its investment banker are preparing presentation with attendant legal and accounting materials to initiate a Private Placement Program including road shows, PR/IR programs, and readiness for due diligence processes by interested investors. Completion is targeted to commence mid-July.


    • At the same time, apart from equity financing, Tri-Way is working with several other reputable investment banks to secure alternative or complementary debt financing. One bank completed its due diligence last month presenting the possibility of securing a loan facility in May; others have started the process in May.


  • With respect to the facility offer of USD 36.3M granted by a local bank to JFD China, this facility is purposed for working capital to be utilized after new facilities have been developed, and their respective operational costs warrant a drawdown on the LOC

SIAF: Ganska långt mailsvar från Tony

söndag, 11 juni, 2017

Det här är några mailsvar som signaturen Strindberg fick alldeles nyligen. Tonys svar är i fetstil.


Have renovations taken longer time than expected or what is the reason that production will only increase by 10-15% compared with last year? Renovations have taken longer. Lower than expected results due to a variety of reasons with AF4 has also contributed.

You said there is interest from India, Africa, Indoneisen and Vietnam.

Does it only apply to sell licenses or is it possible that Siaf enters as a shareholder in these aquafarms? All of the above. And possible strategic partnerships.

Thank you for your answers. I’ll rephrase my question.

Now when all the renovations are completed and are fully operational, how much do all aquafarms produce roughly in a quarter? Our original target for 2017 was 18-20,000 MT based on my recollection of the 2016 end of year conference call.  That projection took into account that all farms would have completed all improvements and renovations that are planned for the year and on time, and, from that, would be expected to be fully successful implementing their operational plans as well. We have had to revise projections given the circumstances I explained earlier, and because funding has not come as quickly as anticipated. The lack of funding has also forced us to make other, less expensive, adaptations at farms (e.g. 3rd generation ODRAS), not originally anticipated, with the goal to increase production to ensure we are moving forward year over year. So, until we stabilize completely, yearly and quarterly production levels are very hard predictions to make and are moving targets, although we know production will increase for sure year over year. We have our IPO consultants and auditors reviewing our revised estimates for 2017, which will be made available publicly at the appropriate time. Going forward, year to year production levels are expected to increase for the Triway collective through 2024 since we will continue to build out AF4 & AF5 and improve technologies and operations at our other farms, as we will continue to do. This is also given we are successful in obtaining the funding levels we seek.  An accounting of quarterly production levels up to and including 2016 can be found in the quarterly 10-K reports. You can see the pattern of quarterly production, which is based on market. This pattern, of course, will also change as our levels increase and market outlets for us change as part of our plan going forward.  Again, these plans will be made public and to all at the appropriate time.

  För övrigt kom nyss en ny analys av SIAF ut på webben skriven av en skribent som jag inte vet så mycket om.

SIAF konferenssamtal idag

fredag, 9 juni, 2017

Idag kl. 16 håller SIAF sitt konferenssamtal. Nedan information finns i senaste pressreleasen.


SIAF Q1 2017 Results Call Information
Date: June 9, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM, EDT/4:00 PM CET
Participant Dialing Instructions:
SE:       +46 8 5059 63 06 UK:      +44 203 139 48 30
NO:      +47 23 50 05 59 CN:      +86 400 681 54 21
US:      + 1 (866) 928-7517  
Conference Pincode


The earnings call will also be available over the web.

To access, click the following link:   Sino Agro Q1 2017 Earnings Call