Undercurrent News publicerar en ny artikel om SIAFs megafarm. Nu är det bara ett par månader kvar tills kommersiell produktion inleds.
2016 får ses som ett mellanår där frukterna kan börja skördas 2017. Inga av de investeringar som gjorts i megafarmen ger någon större produktion i år utan det blir först nästa år räknar jag med.
“We’ll plan to begin commercial stocking as soon as our settling ponds, our new ponds and all of the tanks are complete which should be by the end of this year. We’ll work out the bugs in the system, which aren’t major bugs at all, and training the staff,” he said.
Ostrowski said that the biggest hurdle to achieving full production is the completion of the settling ponds which will be needed to handle large volumes of water from the tanks.
“Even though it’s a recirculating system, we’re going to be draining water out because of harvests and filling up water and taking out water out of the tanks,” he said.
He told Undercurrent News in an email this week that production at the farm is expected to be 1,000t by the end of 2016, 10,000t by 2017, 70,000t by 2020 and at least 130,000t but as much as 300,000t by the time the project is expected to be fully built out by 2025.
“These are minimal operational targets. I don’t like to say that our target is 300,000 metric tons because when I even say 100,000t people go, ‘like, yeah, really?’” he told Undercurrent in an interview earlier this year.