Arkiv för oktober, 2018

Hög eller lågkonjunktur?

söndag, 28 oktober, 2018

Följande länkar beskriver ett synsätt på hur man tolkar om det är hög- eller lågkonjunktur.

Unga aktiesparare


Enligt ekonomifaktas prognos så blir det högkonjunktur fram tills 2022 även om den nästan tagit slut då.

SIAF: Utannonsering av utdelning av Tri-way-aktier samt mer utspädning

lördag, 6 oktober, 2018

SIAFs dotterbolag Tri-way meddelar nu att de ska ge ut Tri-way-aktier motsvarande 18,3% av ägandet i Tri-way till SIAFs aktieägare som betalning av en skuld till SIAF. Läs hela meddelandet här.

Samma dag som detta utannonserades ökade antalet aktier i SIAF med en halv miljon, så tryckandet av nya aktier fortgår fortfarande. Aktieräknartråd.

Tydligen blir det först 15% av aktierna som delas ut och sen kommer 3,3% senare förutsatt att SIAF lyckas betala tillbaka skulden så att de kan återta de aktier de gett som säkerhet för lån.

The 18,300,000 (that is, 18.3% ownership in TRW) shares of TRW will be distributed to those shareholders of record as of October 31, 2018 eligible to receive dividend shares in two (2) tranches, namely, tranche one of 15.01% ownership based on the estimated total number of SIAF shares I/O of approximately 47m shares, i.e. approximately 15.01m total TRW shares paid against an approximate 39m SIAF shares eligible for dividend pay-out, to be registered individually under each SIAF shareholder’s name with TRW’s company registrar in bookentry form on the distribution pay-date of November 14, 2018, and the remaining balance of 3.29% ownership, i.e. an approximate 3.29m TRW shares via tranche two at a later pay-date, to be determined. The second tranche distribution date is predicated on the date that SIAF completes its outstanding debt obligation payment to third-party lenders holding shares of SIAF as collateral, that is 8,445,435 SIAF shares, that are required to be returned to SIAF along with any and all dividend shares that had / have been distributed / received against those shares, which, under the current example, represents an approximate 3.29m TRW common shares becoming available for distribution to SIAF shareholders holding the aforementioned 39m shares eligible to receive dividends. Once the 3.29m TRW shares have been returned to SIAF the distribution / pay-date of the second tranche of TRW shares will be announced and processed in book-entry form with the Company registrar for those same shareholders of SIAF record as of October 31, 2018.