Solomon Meeting Part 1 HU Flowers

2017-09-06 there was a meeting with Solomon which I attended along with a couple of other shareholders. I was not there the whole meeting since I had to catch a train but I will summarize a little bit what the talks were about. I will cover one subsidiary or business type per blog post with the other blog posts being released during the coming days.

Please note that I do not guarantee the correctness of the information. It is only my interpretation of what was said and of course I write as correctly as I can but I do not have time to double check any information.

The best parts of the meeting was about Tri-way and Capital Award. In the first two parts I cover the HU flowers and beef business and save the best bits for later.

Purpose of Solomons visit (disputed, other people claim different main reasons for the visit)

Solomon was in Scandinavia mainly to meet with Marius Gaard, Swedbank analyst who wrote about SIAF before if I remember correctly. SOlomon had hopes that he might write another analysis of the company. However Marius Gaard is no longer an analyst, so it is not certain there will be any analysis. I think Marius is now in corporate finance.

HU Plantation

There has been no improvement at the HU plantation. There has been wet weather many years which is bad for the root systems of the HU flower plants. They will have to move to a better location in order to grow HU flowers because the current place is not suitable. Solomon believed in the profitability of HU flowers though. Eventually they will have to change to some kind of cash crop. Before they tried asparagus but it was not profitable since the asparagus were too thin. They are now trying 20 acres of passion fruit which looks promising.



3 kommentarer till “Solomon Meeting Part 1 HU Flowers”

  1. Fredrik skriver:

    När kommer uppföljningen:)

  2. Emilez skriver:

    Hej Fredrik! Den kommer imorgon kl. 07.00 :-)

  3. Fredrik skriver:

    Toppen, längtar alltid kul att läsa om siaf, bara kursen som är tråkig:)

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